street evangelism


Outreach Work


Joshua Ministries is deeply committed to carrying the transformative love of Jesus Christ to those whose spirits have been dimmed by life’s relentless storms. It is our privilege and joy to witness the revival of hope as the light of Christ pierces through their despair, igniting the embers of a new beginning. We are dedicated to delivering the 'living water' that revitalizes parched souls, inviting them to partake in the abundant life that our Savior promises in John 10:10.


In the eyes of the forsaken, where shadows of desolation have taken roost, we see an opportunity for the brightest of lights to shine—the light of Christ, which dispels darkness and rekindles the flame of hope within. With every outreach, with every tender word and act of kindness, we are witnesses to the transformative power of divine love that renews strength and sets the foundation for lives reborn in grace.

Our mission is one of restoration, akin to the gentle rains that soothe a scorched earth, bringing forth life in places where only barrenness was known. As we extend our hands to uplift the downtrodden, we share not only material sustenance but also the spiritual nourishment that springs from an eternal source. The 'living water' we speak of is not a mere metaphor but a profound truth that empowers individuals to rise above their circumstances. It quenches a deeper thirst—the soul's yearning for purpose, peace, and a place in the story of redemption that God is unfurling even now.

In this abundant life Christ offers, there is a promise of joy that surpasses temporary happiness, a peace that stands unshaken amidst turmoil, and a sense of belonging that no earthly rejection can sever. As we impart this truth, we see lives once parched by despair blossom with newfound resilience and strength. We witness the birth of dreams that once seemed impossible, the mending of hearts that were once shattered, and the kindling of faith that once lay dormant. Each life touched by the ministry is a testament to the limitless reaches of God's love—a love that we are honored to share, a love that calls us all to live fully, deeply, abundantly.

Our mission field encompasses five key demographics:


a. The Overwhelmed: Meeting People on the Street

Amidst the bustling streets and the din of daily life, there are souls we encounter who are not homeless, yet their faces clearly show they are discouraged and facing overwhelming battles. It is here, on the sidewalks and crosswalks, in the squares and marketplaces, that we extend the hand of fellowship to those not visibly in need yet quietly carrying burdens that weigh heavy on their hearts. We always approach such despondent individuals with empathy and a readiness to listen, to offer prayer and a word of comfort. It’s a ministry not of gentle presence, meeting people where they are, and accompanying them, if only for a moment, on their journey. Each encounter is an opportunity to plant seeds of hope and water them with unconditional love, reflecting Jesus’ own ministry to those He met along the roads and byways of His travels.

b. The Displaced: Homeless Individuals & Families
In recent times, we've observed an alarming increase in families succumbing to financial distress, leading to heartbreaking displacement. We've encountered families, once thriving, now relegated to life in a car or in burgeoning tent cities—California alone shelters over 181,000 such souls. Among them are individuals of surprising education and skill, toppled by a relentless domino effect. With 78% of Americans living paycheck to paycheck, the specter of homelessness looms ever-near. California has over 181,400 homeless, many of them families with parents working full-time and living in their cars in the evening. Many of them are college educated who hit a string of bad circumstances and lost their homes. Yet, in their plight, we find a profound eagerness for hope and an open heart to the Gospel.

c. The Forgotten: Prison Inmates
Behind the austere walls of prisons reside souls too often forsaken, many with hearts yearning for a glimmer of light. The thought of visiting inmates might daunt some faithful, but these individuals, abandoned by kin, anticipate our visits with a hopeful zeal that is deeply moving. They ready themselves with care, in hopeful anticipation of a return visit. Our presence alone can be a beacon of hope amidst the dreariness of their days.

d. The Lonely: Nursing Home Residents
Few sights are as heart-wrenching as the solitude that envelops many elderly individuals in nursing homes. Neglected by family, their stories of yesteryears—tales of entrepreneurship and prosperity—now reduced to memories confined to the corners of their modest rooms. With many living on locked floors, our visits offer a rare and cherished connection to the world beyond their walls. The gratitude they express for simple joys like shared games is both humbling and heartwarming.

e. The Distant: Remote Islanders
Evangelist Joshua holds a special burden for those living in remote islands of the Philippines, where poverty grips tightly. Braving potential dangers, he reaches out to communities that seem frozen in time, where scarcity and a lack of modern conveniences starkly contrast our lives. These resilient islanders, facing daily struggles, welcome the hope and solidarity brought through our visits.

Let's Collaborate
We extend an earnest invitation for you to walk alongside us in this journey of compassion and service. Joining Joshua Ministries in outreach is a pathway to discovering the multifaceted richness of God's kingdom here on earth. As volunteers, you become artisans of comfort and messengers of hope, bringing tangible expressions of God's love to those who might feel forgotten by the world. This service, while a selfless gift to others, is also a personal crucible for growth. It refines our spirits, opens our hearts, and expands our understanding of grace. In giving of ourselves, we often find that we receive much more—insights into the resilience of the human spirit and the boundless nature of divine love.

You Might Be Surprised!

In stepping out in faith to serve, we are often greeted with an unexpected revelation: the discovery of the profound beauty that dwells within acts of kindness. As you interact with individuals from all walks of life, you bear witness to the unfolding narratives of redemption and the mending of lives once fragmented. It's in these sacred encounters that we often meet Christ anew, seeing Him in the faces of those we serve. This ministry becomes a tapestry of transformed lives—each thread a story, each color a unique testimony to the difference love can make.

Cultivate A Garden

Therefore, we call upon you not just as volunteers, but as fellow laborers in the field of hope, to join hands with Joshua Ministries. Together, we can cultivate a garden where the fruits of compassion yield a bountiful harvest. Each seed of kindness you plant is watered by the joy of our collective effort and warmed by the sunshine of God's ever-present love. As we labor side by side, we will witness the miracle of joy blossoming in the hearts of those we serve, and also within ourselves. Join us, and become part of a living legacy of love, a community united in service, and an enduring force for God's goodness in the world.

